Friday, July 20, 2012

Eph 1:14
The Spirit is the guarantee that we shall receive what God has promised his people, and this assures us that God will give complete freedom to those who are his. Let us praise his glory!

As Christian Business professionals That SPIRIT IS THE GURARANTEE THAT WE SHALL RECEIVE

You ask
What Spirit  That Spirit when it looks like it wont work in your favour... and God turns it around for your good
When sickness would of taken your life or took longer to heal from, but by
 the grace of God! umm
When you should of not qualify by all of sudden their a new program you just qualifed under...THAT SPIRiT
When you are going through and God's Word, suddenly turns your
 frown in to a Smile
WHen His Word turns your fear
into fearless
When His Presence over shadows
 all pain

That Spirit! 
Thank you God For that Spirit. In Jesus name Amen!

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