Monday, April 23, 2012

Kingdom Devotional

Act 16:7  And having come to Mysia, they made an attempt to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not let them;

As Christian Business professionals even after good and great things has occurred
 we all get those restrictions, blockage, 

But we must realize God will block even our good intentions for higher direction

So we must understand sometimes its 


Father God in the Name of Jesus, help us understand you more, help us see the higher call greater than the current obstacle, Lord forgive us for being stubborn in seeking your direction and guidance for our lives, for we dont put our trust in man but in the Move of your Spirit. Lord move by your Spirit we want your presence daily, we want miracles, signs, and wonders, Daily we want you to ORDER OUR STEPS BY YOUR WORD! in JESUS NAME WE PRAY AMEN!

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