Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kingdom Devotional

James 4:17  Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

As Christian Business Professional we need to understand the statement 

"I Didn't Do nothing"

I f you see someone's child in wrong, and you turned a blind eye YOU SINNED

If you see a coworker on the side of he Highway and you don't stop to make sure they ok, YOU SINNED

IF you see someone about to drop out of  school and you weren't Concern, YOU SINNED

If you see that a fellow member has not been attending church and you Havnt Called them   YOU SINNED

IF you see  separation on the verge of Happening, and you choose not to ENCOURAGE with God'S Word YOU SINNED

Father God, please forgive us for not, stepping and informing others and ourselves to do according to the Word, Forgiveth for knowing to do good and conscientiously chose not to share your truth on the matter, Lord please Forgive us of this SIN, and gives us another Chance to say and do the right thing. In Jesus name we pray Amen.


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