Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mat 6:34
Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.

As Christian business professionals we must realize if the Lord is our shepard, how many sheep worries about where Is THe Lord Going to lead us tomorrow?
How many sheep dictates where & when they will move
How many of us Sheep knows whom we are following

Is their proof that your shepard is the true shepard
has the shepard you are following ever led you astray..

Well if everytime you called or NAYED on Jesus...and he carried you to safty, then being confortable in the relationship you are in, and seek to be closer to shepard an not to your doubters, Either you and I going to be a Sheep or goat?
Which do you choose?

Father God thank you for being our constant friend, and guide, thank you for creating us to be your sheep and not a GOat. In Jesus name Amen!

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