Monday, May 14, 2012

Jos 10:29  And Joshua passed from Makkedah, and all Israel with him, unto Libnah, and fought against Libnah: 

As Christian Business professionals this is the season to fight against the Lib-nah's of our lives, 

God has given us the right of passage to pursue these enemies

Lib-nah means place in the Desert

So what ever dry ,desert like, lacking life like

 areas of your lives pursuit it and destroy 

if it's your education seems to lack life

tear down lib-nah that has you procrastinating from getting a higher level education

if your work life seems not able to provide for your home life

persue lib-nah that has you not looking for a better higher paying one 

If your family is not achieving the closeness that you see and want

Persue lib-nah and tear down the old way of existing and live and do more

productive things as you see a family should do.

Father God thank you for leading us to desire those things that will give us a more fulfilling life, for those territories we know we have the victory through Christ Jesus our Lord, help us see more dry areas that we should overtake that will give you more glory, and enhance our lives the more. In Jesus Name Amen! 

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