Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Joh 5:9  And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the Sabbath

As Christian Business Professional when God speaks to you, for you, about you, you Got to move

there are times we are made whole but we haven't  deliberately moved as instructed, hindering our mobility in Christ,  
if the Word came that you would graduate school, then apply to start school at least,
 if you was prophesy a new car then Go and make move towards getting it,
  If you  were prophesy ministry then master what it takes to be a minister, 
if you were prophesied healing then take up what is necessary to understand how to operate in your healing state, 

what I am saying men and women of God,  

Moved on His Word, 
cause your beliefs to line up with His Word, not His Word to Line up with your beliefs

you are no longer slaves to your old beliefs, the Lord God has set you free...

Father God forgive us for not moving when you say move, and or standing when you say stand, Lord help us recover all that was lost to disobedience that you may be gloried and your name may be lifted up, in Jesus Name we pray amen!

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