Tuesday, November 28, 2023



Pro 28:5  Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things. 

Pro 28:7  Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father. 

Pro 28:9  He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination. 

Pro 28:10  Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession. 

 Pro 28:18  Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once. 

Pro 28:22  He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him. 

Pro 28:23  He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favour than he that flattereth with the tongue. 

Pro 28:24  Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith, It is no transgression; the same is the companion of a destroyer. 

Pro 28:25  He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat. 

Pro 28:26  He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered. 

Pro 28:27  He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse. 

 As Christian Business professionals we  must try to understand, 

we got comfortable not seeking GOd

that why we are uncomfortable with him, 

we are uncomfortable for the lack of giving God detail to 


TRUST His Word

HONOR His principles

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