Saturday, July 30, 2016

being a help and not acting helpless!

sa 58:6  Is this not the fast I have chosen: to open bands of wickedness, to undo thongs of the yoke, and to send out the oppressed ones free; even that you pull off every yoke?
Isa 58:7  Is it not to break your bread to the hungry, that you should bring the wandering poor home? When will you see the naked and cover him, and you will not hide yourself from your flesh?
Isa 58:8  Then your light shall break as the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly; and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of Jehovah shall gather you.

 As Christian business professionals you wonder why were going through and were supposed to be saved sanctified field with the Holy Ghost look . Your resisting / fasting from food is not the victory or prize
food is not our affliction resisting the flesh helps us resist Satan who temps the flesh .

So let's resist Satan by praying  these people through 
being kind while we are being afflicted or in want
but at the same time
being a help 
and not 

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