Thursday, December 12, 2019

God will do what it takes to get our attention’an Get us back to where He always intended For us to be

Psa 68:18  You have gone up on high; You have led captivity captive; You have received gifts for men, yes, for the rebellious also, that You might dwell among them, O Jehovah God.
Psa 68:19  Blessed is Jehovah; He daily bears burdens for us, the God of our salvation. Selah.
Psa 68:20  Our God is the God of salvation; and to Jehovah are the issues of death.
Psa 68:21  Yea, God shall wound the head of His enemies, and the hairy crown of him who walks on in his guilt.

Psa 68:22  The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan; I will bring back My people from the depths of the sea
Psa 68:35  O God, You are overwhelming out of Your holy places; the God of Israel is He who gives strength and powers to the people. Blessed is God 

As Christian Business professionals we must understand He GOd
Has All of this in His Hands
The Obedient and the rebellious 
The goats and the sheep
God will do what it takes to get our attention’an
Get us back to where He always intended
For us to be

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