Friday, July 13, 2012

Amos 5:4 

This is what the LORD says to the house of Israel: "Seek me and live;
Now this is what the LORD says to the family of Israel: "Come back to me and live!

As Christian Business professionals 
Don't seek the explanations of others walk in the Lord
Don't seek, the comfortably of how life is right now

Don't Forget we had deserved to had been punished, the only reason you and I are standing right now
is because of His mercy and His Grace

So look back on what God has brought you from, remind yourself of why we should fear the Lord Our God
Remind yourself of where you could have been, at, still in, and Where

Dear Heavenly Father, we apologize for getting comfortable in not reverence your name. By how we should choose to live, we don't turn back to old Victories we press forward to new heights in victory that can only be won by you Dear Lord, We thank you Lord for saving our lives.
And we pray today you shall be honor by what we say, and how we walk today in Jesus Name amen!

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